We’ve just published a new guide to help those that are starting to think about investing in cryptocurrencies but have not yet taken the first step.
We’ve tried to cover the first steps, focusing in help you avoid missing the key points for a secure investment:
Decide how much money you want to invest in crypto. Never invest money that you may need. Cryptocurrencies are a very volatile asset and are considered a high-risk investment.
Think in which currencies you would like to invest. Observe them for a while and learn about them. Start with the basics: Bitcoin & Ethereum.
You will need to create an account on an exchange to make your first purchase. Beware of commissions!
Think about which investment strategy you are going to follow and stick with it. We can help you with that.
Some security considerations about custody and storage of the crypto assets: your own crypto wallet.
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How to start investing in cryptocurrencies
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We’ve just published a new guide to help those that are starting to think about investing in cryptocurrencies but have not yet taken the first step.
We’ve tried to cover the first steps, focusing in help you avoid missing the key points for a secure investment:
Read the full guide 👉 “How to start investing in cryptocurrencies”